Newsletter Excerpts: 8 New Studies on cupping--Aug 2023

Michelle Burns
August 3, 2023

Here is some of the information I recently shared in the August newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This newsletter is focused on cupping. If you would be interested in receiving my other newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Dry cupping effect on Chronic Knee Pain
  2. Cupping massage vs dry static cupping for musculoskeletal pain
  3. Cupping vs Kinesio-taping for carpal tunnel
  4. IASTM, electro dry needling, and cupping for Tennis Elbow
  5. Cupping vs integrated neuromuscular inhibition
  6. Anti-obesity effect of cupping
  7. Static vs Dynamic Decompression Muscle Power
  8. Compression vs decompression for low back pain


1. A study titled The Effect of Dry Cupping Therapy on Chronic Knee Pain and Activities of Daily Living in Elderly Women, published in Journal of Gerontology in Mar 2023 concludes: dry cupping therapy is effective in reducing chronic knee pain and increasing daily activities of elderly women.

2.  A study titled Effects of Dry Cupping Massage Compared to Static Dry Cupping on Musculoskeletal Pain: A Meta-Analysis, published in Fresno ProQuest Dissertations Publishing in 2023 concludes: The Visual Analogue Scale and Physical Component Score grand effect sizes were small and statistically insignificant while the Neck Disability Index had a large effect size favoring cupping massage. Therefore, we can conclude that there is no difference in effect between the 2 interventions on pain and quality of life. However, cupping massage appears to be superior to decreasing disability in the neck.

3. A study titled Comparison of 4 weeks of cupping and Kinesio-taping on clinical and ultrasound outcomes of carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy, published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in Jul 2023 concludes: Both cupping and Kinesio-taping improved clinical and ultrasound outcomes of CTS. However, efficacy of cupping compared to Kinesio-taping was better in improvement of median nerve cross-sectional area at hamate hook and pisiform levels, symptoms severity scale, and functional status scale…

4. A study titled Effect of IASTM, Electro dry Needling, and Cupping Therapy in the Treatment of Tennis Elbow, published in International Journal of Development Research in April 2022 concludes: The combination of IASTM, electro dry needling and cupping therapy results in better improvement in Tennis Elbow treatment than conventional therapy, electro dry needling, and cupping therapy alone.

5. A study titled Effect of myofascial cupping vs integrated neuromuscular inhibition techniques on pain and neck movement in individuals with latent trigger point in trapezius, published in Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal in March 2023 concludes; Myofascial cupping was more effective than Integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique in improving pain. However, both interventions showed similar effects on pressure pain threshold and neck lateral flexion on latent TrP in the trapezius.

6. A study titled Systematic review and meta-analysis of the anti-obesity effect of cupping therapy published in Medicine in Jun 2023 concludes: Overall, our results show that cupping therapy can be used to treat obesity in terms of Body Weight, Body Mass Index, Hip Circumference, and Waist Circumference and is a safe intervention for the treatment of obesity

7.  A study titled Comparison of Static and Dynamic Myofascial Decompression on Gastrosoleus Muscle Power and Latent Trigger Point Pain in Normal Healthy Women, published in Medical Journal Of Dr. D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth in Jun 2023 concludes: Static and Dynamic myofascial decompression are equally effective in reducing pain and improving gastro-soleus muscle power in subjects with latent trigger points. There was a sustained carry-over effect seen in the vertical jump height test in the dynamic myofascial decompression group after 5 days of intervention.

8.  A study titled Effects of Instrument-Assisted Compressive Versus Decompressive Myofascial Release in Patient with Non-Specific Low Back Pain, published in The Therapist in Jun 2023 concludes: Pain severity and disability score in the decompressive myofascial release group reduced significantly compared to the compressive myofascial release group at the end of the third week and first week respectively. Lumbar flexion and extension ROM improved significantly in the compressive release group as compared to the decompressive release group after 1 and 2 weeks respectively.

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