Newsletter excerpts: 9 New Research Articles on Fascia, Myofascia and Trigger Points--Oct 2019

Michelle Burns
October 18, 2019

Here is some of the information I recently shared in my October newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This month is focused on the fascia, myofascia and trigger point information. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


I receive a weekly update on anything published anywhere on the internet that includes information about fascia, myofascia and trigger points.  I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:

1. A blog article, titled Fascia Acts as a Second Nervous System, by Dr. Russell Schierling, offers several important concepts:

  • all bodily motion --- no matter how small --- generates electric fields that are caused by the compression, deformation, and stretching of Ligaments, Tendons, Fascia, Bones, and other Collagen-Based Connective Tissues.  In nerve-like fashion these messages spread throughout the surrounding tissues like ripples on a pond, providing information to other areas of the body
  • that these messages travel through the water-based ECM at the speed of sound in water ---- 750 mph as opposed to just over 150 mph, which is the speed that nerve messages travel.

2.  A study, Effects of Local Ischemic Compression on Upper Limb Latent Myofascial Trigger Points: A Study of Subjective Pain and Linear Motor Performance concluded: the results suggest the Ischemic Compression effectiveness on pain and Motor Performance impairment in subjects with Latent TrPs. However, the Motor Performance of these patients is only partially improved after the Ischemic compression application.

3.  An article, titled Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Looked through the Lens of 11 Cases Managed by Myofascial Trigger Point Massage Therapy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, published in International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports, concludes: Myofascial pain syndrome linked with latent or active myofascial trigger points developed due to repeated strains and injuries needs to be diagnosed by history and palpation method, system evaluation and laboratory investigations. Though several interventions are used in myofascial pain syndrome, myofascial trigger point massage therapy alone is found to be reasonably effective with excellent results.

4.  A study, titled The Effect of Self-Myofascial release using tennis ball on pain in individuals with piriformis trigger points, published in International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, concludes: Subjects were asked to take small circular movements by sitting on a tennis ball under the buttocks for 60 seconds. The study concluded that Self-Myofascial Release using tennis ball helps in reducing pain and increasing the pain pressure threshold providing a simple yet effective alternative for piriformis trigger point pain.

5.  An abstract submitted for publication, titled AB0910 Effective restoring Motion and Effective Treatment of Myofascial and Neuropathic Low Back Pain by Targeted Dry Needling Using Ultrasound Guidance in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, concludes: Dry needling under ultrasound guidance effectively reduce myofascial pain ameliorate symptoms of neuropathy and local muscle hypo motility in low back pain.

6.  A study, titled Effects of Self-myofascial release using foam roller on range of motion and morphological changes in muscle: A crossover study, published in J Strength Cond Res. in May 2019, concludes: Self-myofascial release using foam roller is effective in improving range of motion in at least some conditions. However, its mechanism is still unclear.We hypothesized that the Foam Rolling intervention may increase ROM because of changes in fascicle length and aponeurosis displacement. Although ROM of both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion increased significantly after the Foam Rolling intervention (p<0,01), no significant differences were found in fascicle length and aponeurosis displacement before and after the foam rolling intervention.

7.  A case study, titled The effectiveness of positional release therapy in myofascial trigger points associated with recurrent lateral ankle sprain—a case study, published in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research in Apr 2019, concludes: There was a significant decrease in the pain symptoms observed after the treatment, with the significant increase in Active ROM. It is concluded that Positional Release Therapy may be an effective treatment for pain and increase in Active ROM and pain decreased caused by trigger point due to recurrent lateral ankle sprain. (Peroneous muscles)

8.  An study titled, A study to compare the effect of muscle energy technique and positional release technique on pain and cervical ROM in patients with chronic upper trapezitis, published in International’Journal of Scientific Research, concludes: Muscle energy technique is an effective option in the treatment of chronic upper trapezitis.

9.  A study titled A comparative study to find out the immediate effect of occipital muscle inhibition and static hamstring stretching on hamstring tightness in young adults—an experimental study, published in International Journal of Scientific Research in May 2019, concludes: Both the techniques showed marked improvement in the outcome measure, but the occipital muscle inhibition is more effective for the hamstring tightness and it is easy to perform for the participants and it was observed that the effect was persistent for longer time.

• A video titled Vancouver Fascia Congress Shoulder study: Myofascial Trigger point Release by Christopher Gordon, shows the results of a study of myofascial trigger point release on the elasticity and sensitization of the tissue.

Anatomy, Head and Neck, Deep Cervical Neck Fascia by Paul Sutcliffe and Savita Lasrado. Update Jun 2019 and found at StatPearls.

Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Femoral Triangle by Hayden Basinger and Jeffery P. Hogg. Update April 2091 and found at StatPearls

Newsletter excerpts: 9 New Research Articles on Fascia, Myofascia and Trigger Points--Oct 2019

Posted by: Michelle Burns
Date Posted: October 18, 2019

Here is some of the information I recently shared in my October newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This month is focused on the fascia, myofascia and trigger point information. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


I receive a weekly update on anything published anywhere on the internet that includes information about fascia, myofascia and trigger points.  I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:

1. A blog article, titled Fascia Acts as a Second Nervous System, by Dr. Russell Schierling, offers several important concepts:

  • all bodily motion --- no matter how small --- generates electric fields that are caused by the compression, deformation, and stretching of Ligaments, Tendons, Fascia, Bones, and other Collagen-Based Connective Tissues.  In nerve-like fashion these messages spread throughout the surrounding tissues like ripples on a pond, providing information to other areas of the body
  • that these messages travel through the water-based ECM at the speed of sound in water ---- 750 mph as opposed to just over 150 mph, which is the speed that nerve messages travel.

2.  A study, Effects of Local Ischemic Compression on Upper Limb Latent Myofascial Trigger Points: A Study of Subjective Pain and Linear Motor Performance concluded: the results suggest the Ischemic Compression effectiveness on pain and Motor Performance impairment in subjects with Latent TrPs. However, the Motor Performance of these patients is only partially improved after the Ischemic compression application.

3.  An article, titled Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Looked through the Lens of 11 Cases Managed by Myofascial Trigger Point Massage Therapy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, published in International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports, concludes: Myofascial pain syndrome linked with latent or active myofascial trigger points developed due to repeated strains and injuries needs to be diagnosed by history and palpation method, system evaluation and laboratory investigations. Though several interventions are used in myofascial pain syndrome, myofascial trigger point massage therapy alone is found to be reasonably effective with excellent results.

4.  A study, titled The Effect of Self-Myofascial release using tennis ball on pain in individuals with piriformis trigger points, published in International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, concludes: Subjects were asked to take small circular movements by sitting on a tennis ball under the buttocks for 60 seconds. The study concluded that Self-Myofascial Release using tennis ball helps in reducing pain and increasing the pain pressure threshold providing a simple yet effective alternative for piriformis trigger point pain.

5.  An abstract submitted for publication, titled AB0910 Effective restoring Motion and Effective Treatment of Myofascial and Neuropathic Low Back Pain by Targeted Dry Needling Using Ultrasound Guidance in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, concludes: Dry needling under ultrasound guidance effectively reduce myofascial pain ameliorate symptoms of neuropathy and local muscle hypo motility in low back pain.

6.  A study, titled Effects of Self-myofascial release using foam roller on range of motion and morphological changes in muscle: A crossover study, published in J Strength Cond Res. in May 2019, concludes: Self-myofascial release using foam roller is effective in improving range of motion in at least some conditions. However, its mechanism is still unclear.We hypothesized that the Foam Rolling intervention may increase ROM because of changes in fascicle length and aponeurosis displacement. Although ROM of both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion increased significantly after the Foam Rolling intervention (p<0,01), no significant differences were found in fascicle length and aponeurosis displacement before and after the foam rolling intervention.

7.  A case study, titled The effectiveness of positional release therapy in myofascial trigger points associated with recurrent lateral ankle sprain—a case study, published in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research in Apr 2019, concludes: There was a significant decrease in the pain symptoms observed after the treatment, with the significant increase in Active ROM. It is concluded that Positional Release Therapy may be an effective treatment for pain and increase in Active ROM and pain decreased caused by trigger point due to recurrent lateral ankle sprain. (Peroneous muscles)

8.  An study titled, A study to compare the effect of muscle energy technique and positional release technique on pain and cervical ROM in patients with chronic upper trapezitis, published in International’Journal of Scientific Research, concludes: Muscle energy technique is an effective option in the treatment of chronic upper trapezitis.

9.  A study titled A comparative study to find out the immediate effect of occipital muscle inhibition and static hamstring stretching on hamstring tightness in young adults—an experimental study, published in International Journal of Scientific Research in May 2019, concludes: Both the techniques showed marked improvement in the outcome measure, but the occipital muscle inhibition is more effective for the hamstring tightness and it is easy to perform for the participants and it was observed that the effect was persistent for longer time.

• A video titled Vancouver Fascia Congress Shoulder study: Myofascial Trigger point Release by Christopher Gordon, shows the results of a study of myofascial trigger point release on the elasticity and sensitization of the tissue.

Anatomy, Head and Neck, Deep Cervical Neck Fascia by Paul Sutcliffe and Savita Lasrado. Update Jun 2019 and found at StatPearls.

Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Femoral Triangle by Hayden Basinger and Jeffery P. Hogg. Update April 2091 and found at StatPearls

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