Newsletter Excerpts: 10 New Studies on Fascia--October 2023

Michelle Burns
October 16, 2023

Here is some of the information I recently shared in the October newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This newsletter is focused on the fascia, myofascia and trigger point research. If you would be interested in receiving my other newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Strain/Counter-strain vs Ischemic Compression
  2. Effect of Myofascial Release and Muscle Stretching on pain
  3. Shock Wave Therapy vs Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition technique
  4. IASTM vs myofascial release therapy in chronic neck pain
  5. Effect of ISBT-Bowen Therapy in treatment of neck pain
  6. Pressure Algometer to identify Myofascail trigger points
  7. Correlation of myofascial trigger points with upper limb disability post mastectomy
  8. Effects of Foam Rolling on micro blood flow
  9. Effectiveness of Muscle Energy Techniques in relieving low back pain
  10. Myofascial Release vs Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation in chronic neck pain


1. An article titled Comparative Effects of Strain Counter-strain and Ischemic Compression Technique in Patients with Upper Trapezius Trigger Points, published in Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences in 2023 concludes: A 4-week intervention of the ischemic compression and strain counter-strain produced significant results in reducing the intensity of pain, the cervical disability and improving the cervical range of motion, but the intergroup comparison showed that both the ischemic compression and strain counter-strain were equally effective and none of them produced significant results as compared to others on patients with upper trapezius trigger points.

2.  An article titled Effect of Myofascial Release Technique and Muscle Stretching on Pain and Cervical Range of Motion in Upper Trapezius Myofascial Trigger Points, published in International Journal of Current Science in April 2023 concludes: Myofascial release technique is an effective therapeutic option in the treatment of active myofascial trigger points in upper trapezius muscles.

3. A student dissertation titled Shock Wave Therapy versus Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique in Upper Trapezius Myofascial Trigger Points, published in Eur. Chem. Bull. May 2023 concludes:  In terms of pain intensity level, pressure pain threshold, cervical range of motion, and function ability level for the upper trapezius myofascial trigger point patients, Shock Wave Therapy shows more improvement than the Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique.

4. A study titled Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization versus myofascial release therapy in the treatment of chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial, published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders in Jun 2023 concludes: This study showed insignificant differences between groups. However, we did not use a control group, indicating that the improvement in outcomes may not have been caused by the intervention.

5. A study titled The Effect of ISBT-Bowen Therapy in the Treatment of Myofascial Neck Pain—a Randomized, Single-Blinded Clinical Trial, published in Int J There Massage Bodywork in Jun 2023 concludes: This study confirmed the efficacy of ISBT-Bowen Therapy for patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome. It alleviates pain, improves functional outcomes, enhances quality of life, and relieves mood symptoms.

6. A study titled Pressure Algometer: An Effective Diagnostic Tool to Identify Latent Myofascial Trigger Points, published in Special Issue of National Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences in Sept 2022 concludes:  …we observed that the pressure algometer is a very useful, reliable, and inexpensive device to identify myofascial trigger points as compared to ultrasonography. Many authors recommend using this device.

7.  A study titled Correlation of Myofascial Trigger Points with Upper Limb Disability in Post Mastectomy Females in Pakistan, published in Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation in Feb 2023 concludes: …there is a highly significant relation between trigger points in muscles and disability of upper extremity in female patients after mastectomy.

8. A study titled Effects of foam rolling on vastus intermedius and lateralis microvascular blood flow, published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in Jul 2023 concludes: The common assumption of intramuscular Micro Blood Flow improvement due to Foam Rolling could not be confirmed for up to 30 min after the intervention. If an increase in intramuscular metabolism or Micro Blood Flow is intended, we recommend that alternative methods (i.e., traditional warm-up) should be preferred.

9. A student dissertation titled The Effectiveness of Muscle Energy Techniques in Relieving Low Back Pain of Quadratus Lumborum Myofascial Origin, published in Eur. Chem. Bull in 2023 concludes: MET’s are an effective treatment for Lower Back Pain of the Quadratus Lumborum myofascial origin.

10. A student dissertation titled Myofascial Release versus Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain; A Randomized Controlled Trial, published in Eur. Chem. Bull in 2023 concludes:  Myofascial release is more beneficial than proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation regarding pain and disability and high upper trapezius pain pressure threshold while in suboccipital pain pressure threshold proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation was more effective after six sessions while after twelve sessions both techniques are equally effective. Regarding range of motion both techniques are equally effective except in right rotation: myofascial release was more effective.

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