Newsletter excerpts: 10 New Studies and 4 resources for fascia--Oct 2020

Michelle Burns
October 2, 2020

Here is some of the information I recently shared in my October newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This month is focused on fascia, myofascia, and trigger points. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Why we don't elongate fascia
  2. New scientific data about active trigger points
  3. Myofascial release enhances wound healing
  4. Fascia microtrauma may contribute to DOMS
  5. Attenuation of postoperative adhesions using manual therapy
  6. Iliotibial band pain in the runner
  7. Effects of C-section and vaginal delivery on abdominal muscles and fascia
  8. Comparison of Neuromuscular inhibition and ischemic compression
  9. Comparison of 3 different manual therapeutic techniques
  10. Comparison of Active Release technique vs Positional release for trigger points


  1. VIDEO: The Secret Life of fascia official trailer
  2. VIDEO: What is fascia?
  3. BOOK: Fascia: What it is and why it matters
  4. BOOK: Anatomy, Bony pelvis, and lower limb fascia lata


I receive a weekly update on anything published on the internet that includes information about fascia, myofascia, manual therapy, and trigger points.  I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:

1. A blog article, titled Why We Don’t Elongate Facia (pt 2) by Whitney Lowe investigates the idea of fascial manipulation focusing on the force applied to the skin to create an effect on fascia.

2.  A blog article, titled New Scientific Data to Revisit Active Trigger Points Concept by Ross Turchaninov includes images of trigger points and some additional theories.

3. A blog article, titled Modeled Myofascial Release Enhances Wound Healing in Bioengineered Tendons through Fibroblast Proliferation and Collagen Remodeling on Fascia & Fitness summarizes a study published in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics and suggests that “MFR results in improved wound healing due to increased fibroblast deposition and collagen density within and adjacent to the wound area.”

4. A blog article titled Fascia micro-trauma may contribute to DOMS on Fascia & Fitness show that DOMS was associated with the increased sensitivity of muscle fascia to the stimulus, suggesting the source of pain is fascia (connective tissue) rather than the muscle fibers themselves.

5. A study titled Attenuation of postoperative adhesions using a modeled manual therapy, published at PLOS ONE in 2017 concludes: Modeled Manual Therapy initiated immediately postoperatively is an effective preventive for cohesive postoperative adhesions and includes a video of the technique performed.

6. A blog article titled Iliotibial Band Pain in the Runner Part 2: Treatment by Rich Willy suggests: Foam rolling does not result in changes in flexibility that last more than just a few minutes and any pain relief experienced by foam rolling is temporary, likely due to temporary central pain modulation. Contrary to popular opinion, “adhesions” or “myofasciae” are not being “released” or “broken up” by foam rolling. Considering ITB pain is a compression injury, it makes little sense to add further compression o the lateral knee anyway. Instead of foam rolling, purposively target running-specific loads.

7. A study, titled Effects of Cesarean Section and Vaginal Delivery on Abdominal Muscles and Fasciae, published in Medicina Apr 2020 concludes: transverse Cesarean Section women showed significant alterations in both abdominal fasciae and muscle thicknesses, whereas vaginal delivery women showed alterations mainly in muscles. Thinner Rectus abdominus and/or dissymmetric Internal oblique, wider inter-rectus distance, and thicker loose connective tissue and abdominal perimuscular fasciae after Cesarean section may cause muscle deficits and alteration of fascial gliding, which may induce scar, abdominal, low back, and/or pelvic pain.

8. A study titled, Effect of Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique versus Ischaemic Compression and Trigger Point Pressure Release on Upper Trapezius and Non-Specific Neck Pain in IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 2019 concludes: Integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique and ischemic compression and trigger point pressure release are equally effective in reducing pain and neck disability index and improving range of motion.

9. A study titled Change in hamstrings flexibility: A comparison between three different manual therapeutic techniques in normal individuals, published in Adesh University Journal of Medical Sciences & Research in 2020 compared post isometric relaxation, maximum voluntary isometric contraction and PNF hold relax techniques to increase the flexibility of hamstring muscles. Conclusion: Maximum voluntary isometric contraction was the most effective among the three, although all groups showed a significant increase in active knee extension ROM.

10. A study titled Comparison of Active Release Technique and Positional Release Therapy for Gastrosoleus Trigger Point Release in Recreational Runners, published in International Journal of Health Sciences and Research in Jul 2020, concludes: Positional Release Therapy is a better intervention for the release of trigger points as it shows a greater increase in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and significant reduction in pain.


  1. A video titled The Secret Life of Fascia: Official Trailer gives some great visual info about fascia. There is also a link to rent or purchase the video on the page.
  2. A video titled Fascia: What is fascia? New research changes the way we look at pain is a brief history of research that supports the importance of fascia.


  1. Fascia: What it is and Why it Matters by David Lesondak (you can download the pdf). In addition, you can watch an interview the author about the book or download an audio podcast of the webinar
  2. Book abstract: Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Fascia Lata from StatPearls Publishing, Jun 2020 gives a wonderful review of all the structures of the pelvis and lower limb and how they relate to each other.


Newsletter excerpts: 10 New Studies and 4 resources for fascia--Oct 2020

Posted by: Michelle Burns
Date Posted: October 2, 2020

Here is some of the information I recently shared in my October newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This month is focused on fascia, myofascia, and trigger points. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Why we don't elongate fascia
  2. New scientific data about active trigger points
  3. Myofascial release enhances wound healing
  4. Fascia microtrauma may contribute to DOMS
  5. Attenuation of postoperative adhesions using manual therapy
  6. Iliotibial band pain in the runner
  7. Effects of C-section and vaginal delivery on abdominal muscles and fascia
  8. Comparison of Neuromuscular inhibition and ischemic compression
  9. Comparison of 3 different manual therapeutic techniques
  10. Comparison of Active Release technique vs Positional release for trigger points


  1. VIDEO: The Secret Life of fascia official trailer
  2. VIDEO: What is fascia?
  3. BOOK: Fascia: What it is and why it matters
  4. BOOK: Anatomy, Bony pelvis, and lower limb fascia lata


I receive a weekly update on anything published on the internet that includes information about fascia, myofascia, manual therapy, and trigger points.  I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:

1. A blog article, titled Why We Don’t Elongate Facia (pt 2) by Whitney Lowe investigates the idea of fascial manipulation focusing on the force applied to the skin to create an effect on fascia.

2.  A blog article, titled New Scientific Data to Revisit Active Trigger Points Concept by Ross Turchaninov includes images of trigger points and some additional theories.

3. A blog article, titled Modeled Myofascial Release Enhances Wound Healing in Bioengineered Tendons through Fibroblast Proliferation and Collagen Remodeling on Fascia & Fitness summarizes a study published in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics and suggests that “MFR results in improved wound healing due to increased fibroblast deposition and collagen density within and adjacent to the wound area.”

4. A blog article titled Fascia micro-trauma may contribute to DOMS on Fascia & Fitness show that DOMS was associated with the increased sensitivity of muscle fascia to the stimulus, suggesting the source of pain is fascia (connective tissue) rather than the muscle fibers themselves.

5. A study titled Attenuation of postoperative adhesions using a modeled manual therapy, published at PLOS ONE in 2017 concludes: Modeled Manual Therapy initiated immediately postoperatively is an effective preventive for cohesive postoperative adhesions and includes a video of the technique performed.

6. A blog article titled Iliotibial Band Pain in the Runner Part 2: Treatment by Rich Willy suggests: Foam rolling does not result in changes in flexibility that last more than just a few minutes and any pain relief experienced by foam rolling is temporary, likely due to temporary central pain modulation. Contrary to popular opinion, “adhesions” or “myofasciae” are not being “released” or “broken up” by foam rolling. Considering ITB pain is a compression injury, it makes little sense to add further compression o the lateral knee anyway. Instead of foam rolling, purposively target running-specific loads.

7. A study, titled Effects of Cesarean Section and Vaginal Delivery on Abdominal Muscles and Fasciae, published in Medicina Apr 2020 concludes: transverse Cesarean Section women showed significant alterations in both abdominal fasciae and muscle thicknesses, whereas vaginal delivery women showed alterations mainly in muscles. Thinner Rectus abdominus and/or dissymmetric Internal oblique, wider inter-rectus distance, and thicker loose connective tissue and abdominal perimuscular fasciae after Cesarean section may cause muscle deficits and alteration of fascial gliding, which may induce scar, abdominal, low back, and/or pelvic pain.

8. A study titled, Effect of Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique versus Ischaemic Compression and Trigger Point Pressure Release on Upper Trapezius and Non-Specific Neck Pain in IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 2019 concludes: Integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique and ischemic compression and trigger point pressure release are equally effective in reducing pain and neck disability index and improving range of motion.

9. A study titled Change in hamstrings flexibility: A comparison between three different manual therapeutic techniques in normal individuals, published in Adesh University Journal of Medical Sciences & Research in 2020 compared post isometric relaxation, maximum voluntary isometric contraction and PNF hold relax techniques to increase the flexibility of hamstring muscles. Conclusion: Maximum voluntary isometric contraction was the most effective among the three, although all groups showed a significant increase in active knee extension ROM.

10. A study titled Comparison of Active Release Technique and Positional Release Therapy for Gastrosoleus Trigger Point Release in Recreational Runners, published in International Journal of Health Sciences and Research in Jul 2020, concludes: Positional Release Therapy is a better intervention for the release of trigger points as it shows a greater increase in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and significant reduction in pain.


  1. A video titled The Secret Life of Fascia: Official Trailer gives some great visual info about fascia. There is also a link to rent or purchase the video on the page.
  2. A video titled Fascia: What is fascia? New research changes the way we look at pain is a brief history of research that supports the importance of fascia.


  1. Fascia: What it is and Why it Matters by David Lesondak (you can download the pdf). In addition, you can watch an interview the author about the book or download an audio podcast of the webinar
  2. Book abstract: Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Fascia Lata from StatPearls Publishing, Jun 2020 gives a wonderful review of all the structures of the pelvis and lower limb and how they relate to each other.


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