Newsletter Excerpts: 10 New Studies on chronic pain--January 2024

Michelle Burns
February 9, 2024

Here is some of the information I recently shared in the January newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This newsletter is focused on the chronic pain and fibroymylagia research. If you would be interested in receiving my other newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Myofascial therapy vs Maitland's Mobilization approach
  2. Trigger Point Dry Needling
  3. Melatonin improves rheumatological disease activity
  4. Effects of resistance training on sleep
  5. Effect of pre-biotic and pro-biotics on fibromyalgia
  6. Effects of Vitamin D on quality of life
  7. Low-calorie keto diet for obese women with fibroymyalgia
  8. Saffron for pain management
  9. Effect of scapular stabilization on posture
  10. Yoga for chronic pain


1. An article titled What Concept of Manual Therapy is More Effective to Improve the Health Status in Women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome? A Study Protocol with Preliminary Results published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in Jan 2023 compares treatment via Myofscial techniques approach vs Maitland’s mobilization approach and concludes: patients who received MTA had significantly improved pain and health status outcomes after treatment and at 1 month follow-up, with no significant change in those who received MMA.

2.  An article titled Impact of Trigger Point Dry Needling on Neck Pain, Sleep, and Depression in Patients with Fibromyalgia published in in 2023 concludes: in patients with FMS with neck discomfort, DN therapy administered to MTrPs in the trapezius muscle once per week for four sessions was beneficial in the short term. With this treatment quality of sleep and life of the patients were improved; anxiety, depression levels, and pain severity were also significantly reduced.

3. An article titled Melatonin supplementation improves rheumatological disease activity: a systematic review published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN in Jun 2023 concludes: there were positive results of melatonin administration in fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis/osteopenia but not in rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

4. A review titled Effects of resistance training on sleep of patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review published in Journal of Health Psychology in May 2023 concludes: compared with other exercise modalities, Resistance training proved tone superior to flexibility training and equivalent to aerobic exercise.

5. A study titled Effect of prebiotic and probiotic supplementation on reduced pain in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial, published in Psychology, Health & Medicine in May 2023 conclude: Probiotic supplementation significantly decreased the Beck Depression Index, Beck Anxiety Index, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores compared to baseline, while prebiotic supplementation only significantly decreased Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores. Moreover, participants who received probiotic treatment presented a significantly reduced Visual Analogue Scale score compared with those who received placebo treatment.

6. A study, titled Effects of Vitamin D therapy on quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia: a study from North India published in Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol in 2023 concludes: 70% of patients were deficient in vitamin D among fibromyalgia. We found that there was significant differences in visual analog score and SF-36 questionnaire after giving vitamin D therapy among fibromyalgia patients.

7.  A study titled Efficacy, safety and tolerability of very low-calorie ketogenic diet in obese women with fibromyalgia: a pilot interventional study published in Frontiers in Nutrition in Jul 2023 concludes: All patient lost weight during the first period of the diet and the achievement was maintained upon reintroduction of carbohydrates. The reduction of Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire was clinically meaningful in 16 of 18 patients during the veto phase and 14 once carbohydrates were reintroduced. No significant association was observed between change in BMI and improvement in patient-reported outcomes over time.

8. A study titled Saffron (Crocus sativus) and its constituents for pain management; a review of current evidence published in Phytotherapy Research in Aug 2023 concludes: Saffron analgesic activities affected several targets, including ion channels of nociceptors; the adrenergic system and central histaminic system; inhibition of inflammatory pathways, apoptotic pathways, and oxidative stress; regulation of NO pathway, and the endocannabinoid system. Clinical studies showed analgesic of Saffron in rheumatoid arthritis, after-pain following childbirth, dysmenorrhea, and fibromyalgia.

9. A study titled The effect of scapular stabilization exercises on posture and pain in patients with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial published in International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation in Aug 2023 compares conventional exercise vs scapular stabilization exercises and concludes: both exercise programs reduced pain levels in patient with fibromyalgia. However, scapular stabilization exercises were more effective at both reducing pain and improving posture.

10. An article titled Yoga is effective for treating chronic pain in veterans with Gulf War Illness at long-term follow-up published in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies in Sept 2023 concludes:compares yoga and cognitive-behavioral therapy and concludes: compared to the CBT group, yoga was associated with greater reductions in pain severity during the 6-month follow-up period.

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