Newsletter excerpts: 10 New Studies on Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia--January 2023

Michelle Burns
January 24, 2023

Here is some of the information I recently shared in the January newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This newsletter is focused on chronic pain and Fibromyalgia. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Hidden neural network in deep fasciae
  2. Manual therapy for temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  3. Effectiveness of strain-counterstrain vs muscle energy technique on neck pain
  4. Effect of dry needling on lumbar stiffness
  5. Anatomy review of deep fascia and its role in chronic pain
  6. Melatonin therapy in chronic pain syndrome
  7. Circulating polyunsaturated fatty acids ratios effect on pain conditions
  8. Association of VItamin B12 with fatigue in fibromyalgia
  9. Neural changes after Emotional Freedom Technique reduces pain
  10. Effect of anti-inflammatory and low-FODMAP diet in fibromyalgia


1. An article titled Evidence of a new hidden neural network into deep fasciae, published in Scientific Reports in Jun 2021 states:  It is recognized that different fasciae have different type of innervation…in this work the aponeurotic thoracolumbar fascia and the epymisial gluteal fascia were analysed…with the aim to study the organization of nerve fibers, the presence of nerve corpuscles, and the amount of autonomic innervation. Based on the results, it is suggested that the two fasciae have different roles in proprioception and pain perception: the free nerve endings inside thoracolumbar fascia may function as proprioceptors, regulating the tensions coming from associated muscles and have a role in nonspecific low back pain, whereas the epymisial fasciae works to coordinate the actions of the various motor units of the underlying muscle.

2.  An article titled Effectiveness of Manual Therapy in Treating Myofascial Pain Related to Temporomandibular Dysfunction: Systemic Literature Review, published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science in Jun 2021 concludes:  Manual physical therapy is effective in the treatment of myofascial pain related to TMD. Thus, this treatment modality must be considered as one of the therapies in reducing muscle pain related to TMD.

3. An article titled Immediate Effect of Strain Counterstrain Technique versus Muscle Energy Technique on Upper Trapezius Tenderness in Non-Specific Neck Pain, published in International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research in Jun 2021 concludes:  Both techniques are equally effective in treating pain, increasing lateral flexion and rotation range of motion, and improving pain pressure sensitivity.

4. A review titled Effect of dry needling on lumbar muscle stiffness in patients with low back pain: A double blind, randomized controlled trial using shear wave elastography, published in Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy in Sept 2021 concludes: dry needling appears to reduce resting erector spine muscle stiffness following treatment of patients with LBP.

5. An anatomy review, published in Clinical Anatomy in Apr 2022, titled The deep fascia and its role in chronic pain and pathological conditions: A review states: The deep fascia is a three-dimensional continuum of connective tissue surrounding the bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels throughout our body. Its importance in chronically debilitating conditions has recently been brought to light. We find that five main deep fasciae pathologies are: chronic low back pain, chronic neck pain, Dupuytren’s disease, plantar fasciitis, and iliotibial band syndrome. The corresponding fasciae are respectively the thoracolumbar fascia, the cervical fascia, the palmar fascia, the plantar fascia, and the iliotibial tract. Pathological fascia is characterized by increased tissue stiffness along with alterations in myofibroblast activity and the extra-cellular matrix, both in terms of collagen and Matrix Metalloproteases (MMP) levels. Innervation changes such as increased density and sensitization of nociceptive nerve fibers are observed.

6. A study, titled Melatonin therapy in chronic pain syndrome, published in International Institute for Brain Health in Zagreb, Croatia concludes: …melatonin anti-nociceptive mechanisms have a complex structure. On one hand, being a chronobiotic melatonin restores circadian rhythm, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body. On the other hand, the anxiolytic effect of melatonin leads to a decrease in pain through the decrease of anxiety and vegetative reactions. There is a direct analgesic effect of melatonin on the melatonin receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for pain perception and control, and on several neurotransmitter systems (GABA, opiod, L-arginine/NO pathway, etc.)

7.  A study titled Circulating polyunsaturated fatty acids, pressure pain thresholds, and nociplastic pain conditions, published in Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids in Sept 2022 concludes:  a higher Omega6/Omega3 ratio was associated with more pain conditions. Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids may promote a generalizes up-regulation of nociceptive processing.

8. A study titled Association of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Thyroid-stimulating Hormone with Fatigue and Neurologic Symptoms in Patients with Fibromyalgia,published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings; Innovations, Quality & Outcomes in Aug 2022 concluded:  fatigue and memory loss were more common in the B12 deficiency group

9. A study titled Neural changes after Emotional Freedom Techniques treatment for chronic pain sufferers, published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in Nov 2022 concludes:  the study supports findings that EFT may have the ability to significantly reduce pain symptomology and associated psychological indicators. The neuroimaging results add by suggesting EFT also potentially affects connectivity between the medial prefrontal cortex, bilateral grey matter areas in the posterior cingulate cortex, and thalamus in chronic pain sufferers.

10. An article titled An anti-inflammatory and low fermentable oligo, di, and monosaccharides and polyols diet improved patient reported outcomes in fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial, published in Frontiers in Nutrition in Aug 2022 concludes:  an anti-inflammatory and low-FODMAP diet improved clinical features in patients with FM and may be useful as a complement to pharmacological therapy

Newsletter excerpts: 10 New Studies on Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia--January 2023

Posted by: Michelle Burns
Date Posted: January 24, 2023

Here is some of the information I recently shared in the January newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This newsletter is focused on chronic pain and Fibromyalgia. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Hidden neural network in deep fasciae
  2. Manual therapy for temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  3. Effectiveness of strain-counterstrain vs muscle energy technique on neck pain
  4. Effect of dry needling on lumbar stiffness
  5. Anatomy review of deep fascia and its role in chronic pain
  6. Melatonin therapy in chronic pain syndrome
  7. Circulating polyunsaturated fatty acids ratios effect on pain conditions
  8. Association of VItamin B12 with fatigue in fibromyalgia
  9. Neural changes after Emotional Freedom Technique reduces pain
  10. Effect of anti-inflammatory and low-FODMAP diet in fibromyalgia


1. An article titled Evidence of a new hidden neural network into deep fasciae, published in Scientific Reports in Jun 2021 states:  It is recognized that different fasciae have different type of innervation…in this work the aponeurotic thoracolumbar fascia and the epymisial gluteal fascia were analysed…with the aim to study the organization of nerve fibers, the presence of nerve corpuscles, and the amount of autonomic innervation. Based on the results, it is suggested that the two fasciae have different roles in proprioception and pain perception: the free nerve endings inside thoracolumbar fascia may function as proprioceptors, regulating the tensions coming from associated muscles and have a role in nonspecific low back pain, whereas the epymisial fasciae works to coordinate the actions of the various motor units of the underlying muscle.

2.  An article titled Effectiveness of Manual Therapy in Treating Myofascial Pain Related to Temporomandibular Dysfunction: Systemic Literature Review, published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science in Jun 2021 concludes:  Manual physical therapy is effective in the treatment of myofascial pain related to TMD. Thus, this treatment modality must be considered as one of the therapies in reducing muscle pain related to TMD.

3. An article titled Immediate Effect of Strain Counterstrain Technique versus Muscle Energy Technique on Upper Trapezius Tenderness in Non-Specific Neck Pain, published in International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research in Jun 2021 concludes:  Both techniques are equally effective in treating pain, increasing lateral flexion and rotation range of motion, and improving pain pressure sensitivity.

4. A review titled Effect of dry needling on lumbar muscle stiffness in patients with low back pain: A double blind, randomized controlled trial using shear wave elastography, published in Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy in Sept 2021 concludes: dry needling appears to reduce resting erector spine muscle stiffness following treatment of patients with LBP.

5. An anatomy review, published in Clinical Anatomy in Apr 2022, titled The deep fascia and its role in chronic pain and pathological conditions: A review states: The deep fascia is a three-dimensional continuum of connective tissue surrounding the bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels throughout our body. Its importance in chronically debilitating conditions has recently been brought to light. We find that five main deep fasciae pathologies are: chronic low back pain, chronic neck pain, Dupuytren’s disease, plantar fasciitis, and iliotibial band syndrome. The corresponding fasciae are respectively the thoracolumbar fascia, the cervical fascia, the palmar fascia, the plantar fascia, and the iliotibial tract. Pathological fascia is characterized by increased tissue stiffness along with alterations in myofibroblast activity and the extra-cellular matrix, both in terms of collagen and Matrix Metalloproteases (MMP) levels. Innervation changes such as increased density and sensitization of nociceptive nerve fibers are observed.

6. A study, titled Melatonin therapy in chronic pain syndrome, published in International Institute for Brain Health in Zagreb, Croatia concludes: …melatonin anti-nociceptive mechanisms have a complex structure. On one hand, being a chronobiotic melatonin restores circadian rhythm, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body. On the other hand, the anxiolytic effect of melatonin leads to a decrease in pain through the decrease of anxiety and vegetative reactions. There is a direct analgesic effect of melatonin on the melatonin receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for pain perception and control, and on several neurotransmitter systems (GABA, opiod, L-arginine/NO pathway, etc.)

7.  A study titled Circulating polyunsaturated fatty acids, pressure pain thresholds, and nociplastic pain conditions, published in Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids in Sept 2022 concludes:  a higher Omega6/Omega3 ratio was associated with more pain conditions. Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids may promote a generalizes up-regulation of nociceptive processing.

8. A study titled Association of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Thyroid-stimulating Hormone with Fatigue and Neurologic Symptoms in Patients with Fibromyalgia,published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings; Innovations, Quality & Outcomes in Aug 2022 concluded:  fatigue and memory loss were more common in the B12 deficiency group

9. A study titled Neural changes after Emotional Freedom Techniques treatment for chronic pain sufferers, published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in Nov 2022 concludes:  the study supports findings that EFT may have the ability to significantly reduce pain symptomology and associated psychological indicators. The neuroimaging results add by suggesting EFT also potentially affects connectivity between the medial prefrontal cortex, bilateral grey matter areas in the posterior cingulate cortex, and thalamus in chronic pain sufferers.

10. An article titled An anti-inflammatory and low fermentable oligo, di, and monosaccharides and polyols diet improved patient reported outcomes in fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial, published in Frontiers in Nutrition in Aug 2022 concludes:  an anti-inflammatory and low-FODMAP diet improved clinical features in patients with FM and may be useful as a complement to pharmacological therapy

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