Newsletter excerpts: 10 New Studies and 3 references on lymph and lymph drainage--August 2021

Michelle Burns
August 16, 2021

Here is some of the information I recently shared in the August newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This newsletter is focused on the lymphatic system and lymph drainage therapy. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Lipossage Endermologie vs Monopolar Radiofrequency on Cellulite
  2. MLD used to treat symptoms of neuro disease
  3. Use of KT to treat chronic knee pain
  4. Effects of lymphatic drainage on autonomic nervous system
  5. Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Therapy after lipoabdominoplasty
  6. Negative Pressure massage for cancer-related lymphedema
  7. Effect of MLD on muscle tone, pain and depression in breast cancer
  8. Hot compress vs Hot ginger compress for breast engorgement
  9. Psychiatric disorders and immune responses intertwined
  10. Use of MLD on musculoskeletal injuries


  1. Anatomy review of the lymphatics of the meningeal system
  2. Anatomy of the mouth lymphatic organs
  3. Tattoo ink presents as calcifications in axillary lymph nodes


1. A study titled Lipomassage Endermologie versus Monopolar Radiofrequency on Cellulite in Females, published in PJMHS July 2020 concludes: Both Monopolar radio frequency therapy and Lipomassage Endermologie were found to be safe, effective, and available at the selected dose. However, Monopolar radio frequency therapy was superior to Lipomassage Endermologie in reducing cellulite.

2.  A study, titled Investigation of the Less Known Effects of Manual Lymphatic Drainage: A Narrative Review, published in Lymphatic Research and Biology, Mar 2021, concludes;  MLD can be used in symptomatic treatment of various diseases (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease).

3. A study, Current evidence does support the use of KT to treat chronic knee pain in short term: A systematic review and meta-analysis, published in Pain Research and Management in 2021 concludes: KT is essential to relieve chronic knee pain and prevent massive use injuries in patients with chronic knee pain but not in a long-term effects…could be temporarily used in practice for exercise or rehabilitation training.

4. A study titled Effects of lymphatic drainage therapy on autonomic nervous system responses in healthy subjects: A single blind randomized controlled trial, published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Jul 2021 concludes: study demonstrated that LDT decreased autonomic activity via decreased spinal reflex excitability and tension in healthy participants.

5. A study, Influences of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Therapy on Edema and Postoperative Patient’s Satisfaction after Lipoabdominoplasty published in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Apr 2021 concluded: the application of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression therapy while wearing a compression garment was superior as compared to compression garment alone in reaching the abdominal edema and improving postoperative patent satisfaction following lipoabdominoplasty.

6. A small study titled Treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema using negative pressure massage: A Pilot randomized controlled trial, published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Aug 2021 concludes:  compared to MLD, treatment with NPMT resulted in greater improvement in L-Dex scores and inter limb volume difference in women with a duration of unilateral upper limb LE of >1 year.

7. A study titled Manual Lymphatic Drainage on the Muscle Tone, Pain, and Depression in patient with breast cancer published in Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine in 2021 concludes:  MLD is an effective method for reducing muscle tone, pain, and depression in patients with breast cancer. 

8.  A study titled Comparing the effects of hot compress and hot ginger compress on pain associated with breast engorgement, published in Nursing and Midwifery Studies in 2021 concludes: Hot ginger compress is more effective than hot compress in reducing breast engorgement pain among breastfeeding women.

9.  A paper titled Immunoceptive inference: why are psychiatric disorders and immune responses intertwined, published in Biol Philos in 2021 details the relationship between immune responses and the physiology of the brain and concludes:  interoceptive inference claims the brain is continuously updating productions about, and acting upon, the body it inhabit. In our formulation, the body itself ( in this case, the immune system) is seen as furnishing precision of —and acting upon—sensory input, informing “beliefs” about whether an antigen belongs to the category of “self” or “non self.”In so doing, we have highlighted three practical contributions (translation, unification, and simulation ) of the active inference framework…we suggested that it is inevitable that two systems within the same Markov blanket influence each other.

10.  A study titled The use of manual lymphatic drainage on clinical presentation of musculoskeletal injuries: A systematic review published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in 2021 concludes:  Manual lymphatic drainage is as effective as other treatment modalities to reduce edema, manual lymphatic drainage may be used to improve clinical presentation of musculoskeletal injuries, and manual lymphatic drainage may be used alone or combined to other treatment modalities.


  1. An anatomy review of the lymphatics of the meningeal system is in-depth and backed by studies.  It is titled:  Meningeal lymphatic vessels: their morphology, location, and clinical implications, published in EUR J Anat in 2021
  2. A review of the anatomy of the mouth which is very thorough and understandable, titled Anatomy and physiology of the palatine tonsils, adenoids, and lingual tonsils published in World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery in July 2021 is helpful for anyone working on the head and neck.
  3. An information article titled Ink on the move: tattoo pigment resembling axillary lymph node calcifications, published in Clinical Imaging in 2021 highlights:  a)Tattoo pigment may mimic calcifications in axillary lymph nodes; b)  tattoo pigment should be considered in the differential diagnosis of axillary lymph node densities, and c) recognizing pigment migration may help breast radiologists form an appropriate differential diagnosis. 

Newsletter excerpts: 10 New Studies and 3 references on lymph and lymph drainage--August 2021

Posted by: Michelle Burns
Date Posted: August 16, 2021

Here is some of the information I recently shared in the August newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This newsletter is focused on the lymphatic system and lymph drainage therapy. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, which include links to the studies as well as special offers and sales coupons, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


  1. Lipossage Endermologie vs Monopolar Radiofrequency on Cellulite
  2. MLD used to treat symptoms of neuro disease
  3. Use of KT to treat chronic knee pain
  4. Effects of lymphatic drainage on autonomic nervous system
  5. Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Therapy after lipoabdominoplasty
  6. Negative Pressure massage for cancer-related lymphedema
  7. Effect of MLD on muscle tone, pain and depression in breast cancer
  8. Hot compress vs Hot ginger compress for breast engorgement
  9. Psychiatric disorders and immune responses intertwined
  10. Use of MLD on musculoskeletal injuries


  1. Anatomy review of the lymphatics of the meningeal system
  2. Anatomy of the mouth lymphatic organs
  3. Tattoo ink presents as calcifications in axillary lymph nodes


1. A study titled Lipomassage Endermologie versus Monopolar Radiofrequency on Cellulite in Females, published in PJMHS July 2020 concludes: Both Monopolar radio frequency therapy and Lipomassage Endermologie were found to be safe, effective, and available at the selected dose. However, Monopolar radio frequency therapy was superior to Lipomassage Endermologie in reducing cellulite.

2.  A study, titled Investigation of the Less Known Effects of Manual Lymphatic Drainage: A Narrative Review, published in Lymphatic Research and Biology, Mar 2021, concludes;  MLD can be used in symptomatic treatment of various diseases (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease).

3. A study, Current evidence does support the use of KT to treat chronic knee pain in short term: A systematic review and meta-analysis, published in Pain Research and Management in 2021 concludes: KT is essential to relieve chronic knee pain and prevent massive use injuries in patients with chronic knee pain but not in a long-term effects…could be temporarily used in practice for exercise or rehabilitation training.

4. A study titled Effects of lymphatic drainage therapy on autonomic nervous system responses in healthy subjects: A single blind randomized controlled trial, published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Jul 2021 concludes: study demonstrated that LDT decreased autonomic activity via decreased spinal reflex excitability and tension in healthy participants.

5. A study, Influences of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Therapy on Edema and Postoperative Patient’s Satisfaction after Lipoabdominoplasty published in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Apr 2021 concluded: the application of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression therapy while wearing a compression garment was superior as compared to compression garment alone in reaching the abdominal edema and improving postoperative patent satisfaction following lipoabdominoplasty.

6. A small study titled Treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema using negative pressure massage: A Pilot randomized controlled trial, published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Aug 2021 concludes:  compared to MLD, treatment with NPMT resulted in greater improvement in L-Dex scores and inter limb volume difference in women with a duration of unilateral upper limb LE of >1 year.

7. A study titled Manual Lymphatic Drainage on the Muscle Tone, Pain, and Depression in patient with breast cancer published in Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine in 2021 concludes:  MLD is an effective method for reducing muscle tone, pain, and depression in patients with breast cancer. 

8.  A study titled Comparing the effects of hot compress and hot ginger compress on pain associated with breast engorgement, published in Nursing and Midwifery Studies in 2021 concludes: Hot ginger compress is more effective than hot compress in reducing breast engorgement pain among breastfeeding women.

9.  A paper titled Immunoceptive inference: why are psychiatric disorders and immune responses intertwined, published in Biol Philos in 2021 details the relationship between immune responses and the physiology of the brain and concludes:  interoceptive inference claims the brain is continuously updating productions about, and acting upon, the body it inhabit. In our formulation, the body itself ( in this case, the immune system) is seen as furnishing precision of —and acting upon—sensory input, informing “beliefs” about whether an antigen belongs to the category of “self” or “non self.”In so doing, we have highlighted three practical contributions (translation, unification, and simulation ) of the active inference framework…we suggested that it is inevitable that two systems within the same Markov blanket influence each other.

10.  A study titled The use of manual lymphatic drainage on clinical presentation of musculoskeletal injuries: A systematic review published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in 2021 concludes:  Manual lymphatic drainage is as effective as other treatment modalities to reduce edema, manual lymphatic drainage may be used to improve clinical presentation of musculoskeletal injuries, and manual lymphatic drainage may be used alone or combined to other treatment modalities.


  1. An anatomy review of the lymphatics of the meningeal system is in-depth and backed by studies.  It is titled:  Meningeal lymphatic vessels: their morphology, location, and clinical implications, published in EUR J Anat in 2021
  2. A review of the anatomy of the mouth which is very thorough and understandable, titled Anatomy and physiology of the palatine tonsils, adenoids, and lingual tonsils published in World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery in July 2021 is helpful for anyone working on the head and neck.
  3. An information article titled Ink on the move: tattoo pigment resembling axillary lymph node calcifications, published in Clinical Imaging in 2021 highlights:  a)Tattoo pigment may mimic calcifications in axillary lymph nodes; b)  tattoo pigment should be considered in the differential diagnosis of axillary lymph node densities, and c) recognizing pigment migration may help breast radiologists form an appropriate differential diagnosis. 

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