Newsletter excerpts: Plantar Fasciitis, foot and ankle--Nov 2018

Michelle Burns
November 5, 2018

Here is some of the information I recently shared in my November newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This month is focused on foot and ankle information. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


I receive a weekly update on anything published anywhere on the internet that includes information about feet and ankles.  I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:

1. A study titled “Spinal and Peripheral dry needling versus peripheral dry needling alone among individuals with a history of lateral ankle pain: a randomized controlled trial”, published in Int J Sports Phys Ther in Dec 2017, suggests: Dry needling of the multifidi in addition to fibularis muscles does not result in improvement in strength, unilateral balance or unilateral hop test performance, compared to Dry Needling the fibularis muscles alone among individuals with a history of ankle sprain.

2. A study titled “Dry cupping for plantar fasciitis: a randomized controlled trial”, published in J Phys Ther Sci in May 2017, concludes: The data indicated that both dry cupping therapy and electrical stimulation therapy could reduce pain and increase function significantly in the population tested…There was no significant difference between the dry cupping therapy and electrical stimulation groups in all the outcome measurements. These results support that both dry cupping therapy and electrical stimulation therapy could reduce pain and increase function in the population tested.

3. A study titled “Effectiveness of Myofascial Release in Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A RCT”, published in Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, concludes: Conservative treatment approach like physiotherapy in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, is beneficial, although both the conventional treatment and myofascial release have found to be effective in alleviation of symptoms and associated disability in plantar fasciitis. However, the subjects treated with myofascial release showed an additional benefit in terms of reduction of pain on VAs and functional ability in terms of FFI. Hence it can be concluded that myofascial release is an effective therapeutic option in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.  

4. Whitney Lowe’s article, Understanding Overpronation, in Massage Today in Jan 2007, gives a very good explanation of what overpronation is and the problems it can cause.

5. A study article, titled Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome: Muscles Located at the Site of Pain, published in Scientifica (Cairo) in Mar 2016, concludes: The soles and flexor digitorum longus muscless were observed to attach directly to the posteromedial border of the tibia. The tibias posterior muscle had no attachment to this site. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that if traction is the cause of MTSS then soleus and the flexor digitorum muscles and not the tibias posterior muscles are the likely cause of MTSS. 

6. A study. titled “Ischemic compression and joint mobilizations or the treatment of nonspecific myofascial foot pain: findings from two quasi-experimental before-and-after studies”, published Mar 2015 in J Can Chiropr Assoc concludes:  Preliminary evidence that myofascial therapy consisting of ischemic compressions and joint mobilizations may reduce the symptoms of patients suffering from chronic non-specific foot pain….Combined treatment involving ischemic compression and joint mobilization for chronic foot pain is associated with significant improvements in functional and self-perceived improvement immediately and at up to six months post-treatment.

7. A video, Metatarsal Mobilization by Whitney Lowe suggests a treatment for a common nerve entrapment problem, Morton’s neuron. The video can be found on ABMP’s facebook page.

8. A study, “Effects of myofascial trigger point release in plantar fasciitis for pain management", published in J Med Sci in 2018, concluded: myofascial trigger point technique was seen effective in relation to improved pain in patients of plantar fasciitis.


  • Youtube video explaining special tests for the ankle, including the Anterior drawer test, Talor tilt test, Cleigers Test, Squeeze Test, Thompson’s test
  • A youtube video by Dr. Randale Sechrest, is a great 6-minute review of Ankle anatomy.
  • A helpful youtube video by biometrics expert Justin Price explains how to determine how the weight transfer during walking, etc, plays a role in foot pain and some simples exercises to relieve the pain.

2.  Miscellaneous

1. From Gary Ward:  The Great Hallux (a small rant)
  • If I can’t extend my toe, my heel strike will be compromised
  • If I can’t extend my toe, my toe-off will be compromised
  • If I can’t extend my toe, my pronation phase will be compromised
  • If I can’t extend my toe, to resupinate becomes impossible
  • If I can’t extend my toe, my hip extension will be comported
  • If I can’t extend my toe, my spinal extension will be compromised
  • and if I can extend my toe waaaay too much, all of the above still stands true…
  • If the function of your Big Toe (Great Hallux) is compromised, so is the rest of you!
  • Please don’t lock it in tight-fitting shoes or surgically intervene to make it more stable.
2.  Per Michael McAleese:  We can not keep changing the shape of our feet and expecting our feet to function like feet .. as always it is your choice
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