Newsletter excerpts: Education and Teaching September 2018

Michelle Burns
September 24, 2018

Here is some of the information I recently shared in my September newsletter. Each newsletter has a specific focus.  This month is focused on pedagogy, adult learning and teaching information. If you would be interested in receiving my newsletters, please head over to my contact page and sign up.


I receive a weekly update on anything published anywhere on the internet that includes information about teaching and learning.  I try to glean the best of the information and provide a brief synopsis of the information. If you come across any information that you think would be good to share, please also feel free to pass that information along to:

1.“One thing about student evaluations that troubles me is how they give students the impression that it’s the teacher who makes or breaks the course. A few instruments query students about their own efforts, but I’m not sure those kinds of questions make it clear that what happens in any course is the combined result of teacher and student actions.” What Happens in a Course is a Shared Responsibility

2. Educators who disconnect learning from learners and ideas from those who have them don’t realize just how easily disembodied knowledge floats away. If we want students to absorb the content we teach them, we must connect with each, individually, through using their names.  To celebrate diversity, use students’ given names this semester

3. "...podcasts, she has found in the adult-learning program she teaches at a community college, can be a good springboard for her students. Many of them experience anxiety about learning and may be uncomfortable sharing details from their own lives in class. A podcast is another way to humanize the material and pique their interest. And that interest can often propel them through the rigorous material."  What Podcasts Can Teach Us About Teaching

4. "Technology has its place. The trick is using it to enhance learning instead of doing the same thing in a different way. This article presents a balanced perspective on the advantages of using technology in the classroom. Each benefit provides actionable tips you can use to put on your technology A-game in your classroom.”  9 Amazing Benefits of Technology in the Classroom (+18 best ways to incorporate technology) by Jesse Miller

5. "Another Way to Say It, Another Way to See It.” The approach provides an opportunity for quieter students to express their thoughts and ideas with written contributions. I define quiet students as those who do not speak in class or who speak seldom and, when they do, they do so with great difficulty due to anxiety and/or lack of confidence.  An Approach for Helping Quiet Students Find Their Voices

6.  One of the challenges training and learning designers face is developing curriculum and strategies that are meant to advance the learners towards a higher level of expertise in skills learned. A journey of the learner, especially the novice to expert transition is a fascinating topic and training professionals love to create their own unconfirmed theories on such a topic. There are a number of theories which attempt to explain novice to expert transition and attempt to explain how learners move from novice to expert.  7 Models from Research Demystify Stages in Novice to Expert Transition 

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